Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Little by Little

My garden is growing, little by little. A squirrel got into my peas and beans so I have to replant those, but everything else is coming along.

Most of my cucumbers are this big - about an inch long.
But i found this guy hiding underneath the leaves.

I have a lot of peppers, one of them has even ripened to completely red, can't wait to eat it!

And then I saw that another one that had been ripening has some hail damage.

I have a tomatoe that is almost fully ripened

And I've been slowly picking off the cherry tomatoes as they're ready - yum!

But I'm most excited for the yellow squash to be ready to pick. I have one decent size squash and the rest are about the size of my little finger.

Looks like I still need to head to the Farmer's Market on Saturday to pick up some produce.

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