Yesterdays constantly remind me how very blessed and lucky I am to be married to such a wonderful man. I must have done something very good in a previous life to have him in this one. K's been home for a week now and the weeks after a reunion always seem more special in a way. I think it's because we still remember the loneliness of separation and the day to day trappings of life haven't dulled us to that yet. The same thing happens the weeks before separation. As emotional as those weeks are, I am deeply grateful for them as they remind us not to take our todays for granted.
Last night I didn't get off work until midnight and when I came home I found a trail of candles leading to our bedroom which was filled with candles and Soldier boy waiting up for me with two glasses of wine (keep it PG folks!). He knew I'd had a long day since I'd started my first shift of the day at 7am so he had done all of this to help me relax and wind down. We stayed up for another hour or so just talking. I love when we have these nightly talks about our dreams and plans for the future and I know it's one of the things I miss most when he's gone.
I'm still deciding which phone to get but I'm leaning towards a blackberry. The one I'm looking at has Skype so it would make it much easier to talk to K when he's gone.
The Best Lessons a Military Spouse Can Learn
3 weeks ago
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